We are Kurvin and Vinasha, recipe developers and food stylists based in Cape Town, South Africa.
We are originally from the small, beautiful island of Mauritius and met whilst studying in Cape Town. For the past 12 years we have adopted the Mother city as our second home.ย
Architect and scientist by day, we also share a passion for cooking, baking and red wine and have a penchant for creativity and photography. As a result, we have turned our kitchen and photography corner into our playground.
In 2017, we started an Instagram page which set us on a journey towards exploring our food heritage.ย Our love for spice and herbs is mirrored in the rich and vibrant Mauritian food scene, brimming with Creole, Chinese, Indian and French influences. Additionally, our time in South Africa has deeply influenced and shaped our style of cooking. We aim to inspire you to get cooking and by sharing some of our favourite recipes.
During the pandemic, we channelled ‘the gift of time’ into a baking enterprise. What started as a ‘half-baked’ (pun intended!) plan involving tiny trays going into a small home oven quickly grew into a larger, more efficient production in a shared commercial kitchen. However, we are currently taking a hiatus from our baking endeavours.
Here, at everpeckish.com you get a bit of a mixed bag- spiceful and flavourful recipes that we love to eat, as well as all the deets on our products and offerings (when available).
Tag us in your re-creations @ever_peckish on Instagram. Nothing would make us happier.